**Join us for a live online debate Thursday 20th February, 2.30pm GMT**
Cross-sector or public-private partnerships for development have never been higher up both the business and the international development community agendas. Every major international process, whether the Rio+20 World Summit, the High Level Panel report on the post-2015 Development Goals, or the UN’s SDG process have placed an enormous demand on partnerships to deliver on both business and development goals.
But how do we make it happen? How do we scale up the engagement of business as a true partner in development? How can we turn the rhetoric into reality on the ground?
That challenge is the subject of a major new report that TPI is developing to be presented to leaders across societal sectors at the meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in April in Mexico. Focussing on country-level action, the report is entitled: “Unleashing the power of business: A practical Roadmap to scale up the engagement of business as a partner in development”.
And we need your help.
We are undertaking a major international consultation to understand the barriers to effective public-private cooperation and seeking systematic approaches to turn cross-sector collaboration into the ‘new normal’.
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