Based in Kenya, Atieno has 20 plus years in international development with various partners including UN agencies, system strengthening in social sector, results-based planning and management, capacity development, strengthening partnership and organizations.
Atieno has extensive experience of supporting multi-stakeholder collaboration. This included managing and providing support to strengthen the leadership, convening, monitoring and partnership management role of the Regional Economic Commissions (RECs: EAC, SADC) in Eastern & Southern Africa to enable them to provide improved support to their member states (strategic & operational planning, mainstreaming, reviews, partnership management mechanisms, policy harmonization, frameworks and guidelines, technical support, advocacy etc.) within the context of regional integration and HIV.
Atieno also has a passion for adult learning, with considerable expertise on training of social sector workforce in public and non-public sectors; experience with development and leading online training, including with audiences not familiar with online applications and limited digital literacy.