Jo has a long-standing commitment to promoting globally responsible business leadership for sustainable development. As a TPI Associate she contributed to TPI’s Platforms for Partnership action research programme on emerging good practice in multi-stakeholder platforms.
Most recently as Director of Development & Partnerships at Lead International she developed proposals and partnerships to deliver powerful learning and leadership development programmes to inspire and enable leaders across sectors to collaborate and foster sustainable innovation and change.
She joined LEAD from the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) where, as Project Director of the Leadership Agenda, she led a programme of events and action research, as well as the Leaders Council, to engage senior executives of member companies in effecive and informed business engagement in development issues. She initiated and managed a Post-2015 private sector engagement for DfID India (with Tata & Infosys) to understand how senior executives of major Indian businesses engaged with the MDGs.
She also conducted an action research project for the UN Global Compact Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) Summit at Rio+20 (with Ashridge Business School Centre for Business and Sustainability), based on interviews with CEOs and Chairs of large multi-national companies.
Jo also has experience of designing & developing successful executive education programmes for two leading business schools: London Business School and the Australian Graduate School of Management. At the AGSM she was an Adjunct Faculty Member of the Centre for Corporate Change.
Jo holds post-graduate qualifications in both business and international development: an MSc in Globalisation & Development from the University of London and an MBA from INSEAD, France. She holds UK and South African nationalities and is a French speaker.