Improving the practice of partnering worldwide requires a dedicated process of learning from experience, researching partnership activity and capturing new knowledge. Our global, policy-level research and reports aim to disseminate learning and best practice to support partnership practitioners and optimise collaboration around the world.
For a full list of our research papers, case studies, and other materials, please see our publications page.
Vodafone Foundation case study: Collaboration
December 2007
Collaboration is the case study of a three-year flagship Vodafone UK Foundation partnership between three UK charities: Samaritans, Shelter and YouthNet. The case study, produced by The Partnering Initiative, tracks the partnering journey...
Rio Tinto: Tackling the cross-sector partnership challenge
September 2006
This paper explores one multi-national corporation’s adoption of cross-sector partnering as a key element in building a sustainable and successful company. It examines how Rio Tinto has moved systematically from a number of somewhat a...
Conflicting Cultures : Lessons from a UN Business Partnership
September 2007
Conflicting Cultures is a fascinating and highly revealing fictionalised account of a real partnership between a UN agency and a multi-national company. The case study uncovers some of the difficulties encountered by those partnering...
Seeing is Believing: In the Bank’s Best Interest
December 2009
This case study looks at the partnership between Standard Chartered Bank and the IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness). The focus of this study is the evolving scale and scope of the partnership over time, the challenges ...
Changing Trends in Business-NGO Relationships in India
November 2011 - with SOS Kinderdorpen
This report looks at evolving patterns and emerging opportunities to maximize the benefits of innovative collaboration and was commissioned SOS Children's Villages.
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Changing Trends in Business-NGO Partnerships - A Netherlands Perspective
July 2011 - with SOS Kinderdorpen
TPI and SOS Kinderdorpen conducted research with companies into the changing trends in business-NGO partnerships. The report also focuses on the corporate drivers and the business case for partnerships and identifies ke...
Microsoft's Partnership Centric Culture
June 2010
Lessons from a decade of using cross-sector partnerships to promoted universal access to digital learning
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