Of all industries, mining has possibly the widest ranging and deepest impact on humanity and the planet. At one end of the value chain, every person’s life is reliant on the mining industry, from the steel beams that hold up the buildings we live and work in, to the mobile phones in almost every person’s pocket. At the production end of the value chain, mining also has a significant impact: as a major employer, as a purchaser of goods and services, as a user and builder of infrastructure, as a utilizer of water and energy, as a payer of taxes, and in terms of its impact on host communities and the environment.
The economic, social, environmental and political impact mining has, and the size and length of time of the investments it makes, means that it has the potential to be a powerful and hugely positive, transformational, partner. By actively aligning its resources and investments alongside those of government, international development partners, communities, and NGOs it can deliver extensive social, environmental and economic benefits that contribute to community resilience both within and beyond its own value chain and, through this, reap extensive benefits itself.
For the mining industry to maximise its potential as a transformational partner in sustainable development, it needs to be institutionally optimised for systematic, effective partnering. This means supportive leadership, a clear and compelling partnering strategy, the right systems and processes, the skills and culture, and the right connections and relationships across stakeholders.
Optimising the partnering capability of the mining sector

Together with ICMM and its members, TPI is developing tools and approaches to strengthen the institutional capacity of mining companies to partner effectively by adapting the ‘Fit for Partnering’ framework for the mining industry. As the industry’s peak association, ICMM can play a leadership role in supporting ambitious forms of partnering which can influence other parts of the mining industry.
Over time we hope that this highly ambitious programme will increase the positive impact and scale of the partnerships in which the industry is engaged, through its uniquely broad reach and relationships.
If you work within or with the mining sector and are interested in this initiative, we warmly invite you to contact Dave Prescott at dave.prescott@tpiglobal.org
Featured publications
- Partnering for our Common Future: Optimising mining’s partnering capability to contribute to community resilience and thriving societies
- Building Forward Better: Mining as a partner in supporting more inclusive and resilient societies (produced together with Business Fights Poverty and Jane Nelson)
Programme Lead and contributing Associates
- Dave Prescott, Creative Director and Programme Lead
- Victoria Thom, TPI Associate
- Danielle Jean-Pierre Figueroa, TPI Associate
ICMM is an international organisation dedicated to a safe, fair, and sustainable mining and metals industry. Bringing together 28 companies – and over 35 regional, national, and commodities associations – we support mining with principles to sustainably manage the natural resources of our planet, and enhance the wellbeing of local communities.
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