TPI is committed to capturing our experiences of partnership and developing cutting edge theory from all our programmes.
We continually create and renew our practical tools, processes and approaches which support collaborations reaching their full potential, and have a range of publications available which support this aim, including toolbooks, case studies and research and policy papers promote new standards of partnering practice and build practitioners skills and knowledge around the world.
Featured Publications Toolbook Series Case Studies Research and Policy
Featured Publications
A selection of recent key publications.
School Partnerships for Impact Guide
Multi Stakeholder Platforms as System Change Agents
Partnering for Philanthropic Impact Report
Partner of Choice: World Vision's journey to becoming institutionally Fit for Partnering
The SDG Partnership Guidebook
Collaboration in a changing world: Trends in cross-sector partnering for INGOs 2020
Partnership Platforms for the Sustainable Development Goals
Maximizing Partnership Value Creation Guidebook
Collaboration for the SDGs: Exploring the support system for Effective Partnering
The Better Together Guidebook
Delivering on the Promise
Platforms for Partnership
Unleashing the Power of Business
Toolbook Series
Our respected Toolbook Series provides practical knowledge and guidance for partnerships and have been developed close collaboration with practitioners worldwide.
The SDG Partnership Guidebook
Maximizing Partnership Value Creation Guidebook
The Better Together Guidebook
The Partnership Culture Navigator
Zambia Partnering Toolbook
Moving On
The Partnering with Governments Navigator
The Case Study Toolbook
Talking the Walk
The Brokering Guidebook
Case Studies
These case studies are intended to demonstrate how different organisations have tackled the challenges of cross-sector partnership, drawing learning from each approach. Lessons from these inform all our publications and training programmes. Some of these case studies have been made available here, and others are available from the Case Study Project section.
Partner of Choice: World Vision's journey to becoming institutionally Fit for Partnering
Microsoft's Partnership Centric Culture
Changing Trends in Business-NGO Partnerships - A Netherlands Perspective
Changing Trends in Business-NGO Relationships in India
Vodafone Foundation case study: Collaboration
Rio Tinto: Tackling the cross-sector partnership challenge
Conflicting Cultures : Lessons from a UN Business Partnership
Seeing is Believing: In the Bank’s Best Interest
Research and Policy
TPI not only captures, analyses and disseminates learning from its own projects – it also works with leading institutions to facilitate original research and to contribute to the wider community of partnership practitioners and theorists. This section includes a range of publications, from reports and good practice guides to regional perspectives on partnering and surveys of particular fields.
Multi Stakeholder Platforms as System Change Agents
An ‘all-of-society’ approach involving business in tackling the rise in NCDs
Collaboration in a changing world: Trends in cross-sector partnering for INGOs 2020
Partnership Platforms for the Sustainable Development Goals
Collaboration for the SDGs: Exploring the support system for Effective Partnering
An introduction to multi-stakeholder partnerships
Collaboration is the 'new normal'
Delivering on the Promise
Partnering for Impact
Platforms for Partnership
Unleashing the Power of Business
Cafe Conversations
Facing the Facts: a survey of partnership practitioners
Emerging opportunities for NGO-business partnerships
Current practice in the evaluation of cross-sector partnerships for sustainable development
Partnering Step by Step
Better Partnerships through Better Agreements
Partnership Matters Journal
Please also join our group on Linked In to participate in the latest discussions, or see our blogs on topics related to partnering.