TPI’s partnership training courses are the result of over 20 years’ experience working with cross-sector partnerships, public private collaboration, partnerships for development and multi-stakeholder initiatives of all kinds. Covering both the ‘science’ and ‘art’ of partnering, we use a wide range of highly interactive and experiential training methods including ‘serious games’, role play, ‘learning by doing’ and case studies. Partnership training can be combined with coaching and mentoring support for continued professional capacity building. Our training incorporates the very latest theory on what makes for successful collaboration, while providing highly pragmatic approaches, frameworks and tools to ensure participants leave with the competencies they need to broker and manage partnerships that deliver results.
Current Courses
Certificate in Partnering Practice
Our courses (and those of approved organisations) can optionally lead to a Certificate in Partnering Practice, which provides the opportunity to extend the training through self-reflective learning, and receive direct feedback from TPI on partnering challenges.
Tailored Training
TPI has supported hundreds of organisations with our tailored training – whether UN, NGO, government or business – helping build their staff skills and competencies. With this type of in-house training, we work closely with you (and sometimes your partners!) to understand your organisation’s needs and tailor courses to give your staff exactly what they need using your own language, context and priorities.
Many of our training sessions also include a strategy development element – helping an organisation to understand its unique place in the field, what it brings to the table, as well as understanding the types of partnership that will provide the organisation the greatest value. Training can also be combined with a light touch ‘Fit for Partnering’ analysis to help you understand your organisation’s wider needs to be go beyond individuals and become an excellent partner institutionally.
If you would like to discuss which training options TPI has on offer would be most suitable to you or your organisation, please get in contact and we will be happy to discuss.