The services we provide directly to partnerships help a wide range of collaborations to transform into strong, efficient and highly effective mechanisms that are yielding benefits well beyond their original objectives.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss our support services for your partnership.
Scoping and Facilitating a Partnership: working with partners in the early stages to ensure the partnership has a good foundation on which to build its work. Can include helping to identify partners, creating a partnership agreement and ensuring the partnership principles are implemented. |
Partnership Health Check: helping you to keep your partnership fit and healthy. We can provide a specialist neutral partnership facilitator to take your partnership through a health check process to identify areas where you’re working well, where you could be more effective, and help you to optimize your collaboration. |
Evaluation and Review: helping a partnership design and implement its evaluation process to assess both impact and how valuable the partnering approach was. Not just for the final stages of the partnership – to be considered in the early stages, and ideally to include a review process during the partnerships lifetime. |
Troubleshooting: partnerships are complex and will inevitably experience pitfalls and barriers along its lifecycle. TPI can assist partnerships to identify the issue(s) and work to resolution. |
TPI Learning Case Studies: we can support you to develop case studies both to profile success and to draw out extensive learning around the process of partnering, the challenges faced and how they were overcome, and the key success factos. |
Taking Partnerships to a New Level: working with partners to identify new avenues for collaboration, innovative approaches to an under-achieving partnership working through its challenges, assisting in developing the story to build awareness of the partnership within the partner organisations. |
Secretariat Services: this entails acting as its first point of contact and supporting its daily activities. This means coordinating meetings, communication, outreach, election processes, accountancy and finance. It can also involve helping to define and create the strategy, action plan, governing structure and bylaws. |