How do we overcome silos to build far more holistic and transformational partnerships that can span across the social, environmental, and economic divide? by Darian Stibbe, Emma Darroch and Hina West The launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) heralded a new era in approaches to business sustainability and international development. The core of the […]
Archives for July 2019
Designing and managing SDG partnerships for greatest impact
SDG Learning and Training session during the 2019 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 15 July 2019, Conference Room 5, UNHQ, New York The scope and complexity of the transformations required for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) that are at their core are unprecedented. As a […]
Partnership Zone at Business Fights Poverty Oxford 2019
TPI is delighted to be co-curating the Partnerships Zone at Business Fights Poverty Oxford 2019, with WWF. This year’s Business Fights Poverty Event, bringing together more than 300 professionals and practitioners, focuses on how the rhetoric of purpose can be embedded meaningfully and consistently across businesses. TPI and WWF will be curating two workshops as […]