Of all industries, mining has possibly the widest ranging and deepest impact on humanity and the planet. At one end of the value chain, every person’s life is reliant on the mining industry, from the steel beams that hold up the buildings we live and work in, to the mobile phones in almost every person’s […]
Learning from Consortia Programme
UK Aid Connect, funded by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), comprised 13 consortia working on eight themes. Working across the themes, ranging from “disability inclusion” to “building open societies”, each consortium has been working with communities and people who have been marginalised. In 2020, the Learning from Consortia programme was established […]
The Rapid Partnering for Climate Action Programme
We face a global climate emergency requiring radical collaboration, at unprecedented speed. While there is a sense of urgency around all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the climate crisis has the unique and powerful potential to derail every other goal if the global community cannot act decisively in the next decade to halt emissions. At […]
Research on Business – NGO Collaboration
NGO partnerships are increasingly being used to tackle some of the world’s most pressing development issues, with the way that NGOs and the private sector work evolving significantly over the last decade. TPI has conducted various pieces of research in the over this time examining how partnerships have become more sophisticated, strategic and aligned to […]