TPI’s webinar series provides the opportunity to dive into the latest hot topics of cross-sector collaboration, and brings together panelists of expert practitioners from a range of organisations such as World Vision, CARE, the UN Departnment of Social and Economic Affairs (UNDESA), the UN World Food Programme, Pearson and Unicef.
More than the Sum of its parts: maximising value creation in partnerships
Our January webinar, More than the Sum of its Parts, kicked off the series with an in-depth look at our new framework for understanding and maximising value creation in partnerships. The framework was developed in collaboration with World Vision, and forms the basis for our new guidebook with UNDESA: Maximising the Impact of the SDGs: A Practical Guide to Partnership Value Creation.
Panelists from World Vision, Pearson, UNDESA and Unicef discussed our new framework and guidebook, which allow systematic examination and maximisation of partnership value creation, with its three interlinked constituents: 1) the extra power intrinsic to partnership; 2) the additional impact partnerships can deliver (hinging on the ‘collaborative advantage’); and 3) the value generated for all partners. Panelists also shared key examples from their own work, highlighting the different forms of ‘collaborative advantage’ that generated value well beyond what partners could achieve alone.
Read our blog about the framework and webinar
Fit for Partnering: how to turn your organisation into a partnering powerhouse
Our second webinar took a closer look at how an organisation can become institutionally ‘fit for partnering’ and take full advantage of collaboration to deliver greater impact.
TPI’s Fit for Partnering framework highlights four key areas where specific elements need to be in place for an organisation to become institutionally Fit for Partnering, from clear strategy and strong leadership, to sound systems and processes to take partnerships through their lifecycle, as well as skilled staff with the right mindset and partnering knowledge, all of this underpinned by a pro-partnering organisational culture.
Our panel of partnership experts from World Vision, CARE, and the World Food Programme discussed the Fit for Partnering Framework and shared their experiences building their organisations’ institutional capability to partner effectively and become ‘partner of choice’.
To watch any of our previous webinars and other multimedia resources, including video tutorials on various aspects of partnering, see our multimedia page.