The Partnership Accelerator is a major new collaborative initiative between TPI and the United Nations led by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, along with UN Office of Partnerships, UN Global Compact, and UN Development Coordination office. The Accelerator aims to develop the partnership enabling ecosystem that can systematically engage business as a […]
The Partnering Academy
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will require an exponential increase in collaboration among government, business, civil society and development agencies. This is a heavy demand to place. Collaborating across sectors with different interests, motivations, cultures and timescales to create equitable, mutually-beneficial and accountable partnerships is seriously challenging. In order to drive forward collaboration we will […]
5 levels of change to mainstream cross-sector collaboration
The Mozambique Hub
A full scoping was completed in June, articulating an agreement to merge the partnership hub with an inclusive business / base of the pyramid centre being planned by the Dutch. To date, funding for the IB half of the hub has been received, the technical advisory committee has been established, a business plan and branding […]
The Colombia Hub
The Colombia Business in Development Hub is hosted by ANDI, the National Business Association of Colombia, a non-profit organization whose main purpose is to expand and promote economic, social and political principles within a free enterprise system, based upon beliefs that include human dignity, political democracy, social justice, private property and liberty. Scoping was completed in 2013, with […]