Wednesday May 11, 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam
Inclusive businesses provide goods, services and livelihoods to people living at the base of the economic pyramid (BOP). By bringing the most vulnerable into the value chain of companies’ core business, inclusive business can play a key role in sustainably contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. For companies, the opportunity to engage in inclusive business has never been stronger – technological innovation, new forms of financing, evolving consumer demands, changing regulation and the shared global development goals are creating new openings to tap into the Base of the Pyramid Market.
On Wednesday 11th May, an invitation-only roundtable will bring together leaders from across all societal sectors to discuss how inclusive business can be leveraged for the SDGs in Vietnam. Hosted by the Inclusive Business Accelerator (IBA), SNV Netherlands Development Organization and UNDP, the roundtable is part of a global series of events supported by Business Call to Action (BCtA), and organised by The Partnering Initiative, and Business Fights Poverty.
The event will discuss and provide key insights into
- the key opportunity areas for the private sector to tap into new markets through engaging in inclusive business;
- how the momentum around SDG implementation can be leveraged to drive a better enabling environment for inclusive business at the national level; and
- what can be done at a sector level to drive the necessary collaboration to build enabling ecosystems for inclusive businesses to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs.
A high level plenary session, introducing the business case for companies to engage in inclusive business, and providing examples from leading companies in Vietnam, will be followed by an Inclusive Business and SDGs workshop, which will discuss how inclusive business can align with the SDGs.
The next roundtable event will take place in Bangladesh, with dates provisionally set for the second week in June.
The Business Call to Action Alliance is a global joint advocacy platform providing public recognition for the private sector’s contribution to development. BCtA’s mission is to challenge companies to advance core business activities that are inclusive of low-income populations and thus contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.
For more information, please visit or on Twitter at @BCtAInitiative.
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