- 12 steps towards successful cross-sector partnership
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- Aitor Llodio, Associate
- Alison Gold, Associate
- Andrew Kambobe, Associate
- Anna Hirsch-Holland, Programme Director for Funder Impact
- Anne Marie van Bolhuis, Associate
- Atieno Odenyo, Associate
- Calliope Webber, Associate
- Catherine Russ, Associate
- Darian Stibbe, Executive Director
- Dave Prescott, Creative Director
- David Murphy, Associate
- Fernando Casado, Associate
- Herbert Smorenburg, Associate
- Ian Dixon, Associate
- Jenny Ekelund, Director of the Green Transition
- Jessica Scholl, Associate
- Jo Wackrill, Associate
- Jo Zaremba, Associate
- Joanna Pyres, Associate
- Julia Gilbert, Programme Manager
- Katherine Madden, Associate
- Kathleen Wood, Associate
- Katie Fry Hester, Senior Advisor
- Krista Kruft, Associate
- Lina Kukulskyte, Programme Manager
- Linda Nemec, Associate
- Liv Raphael, Associate
- Louise Kjaer, Associate
- Marc-Olivier Roux, Associate
- Michael Collins, Associate
- Nazneen Huq, Associate
- Niall Marriott, Associate
- Nyananso Gabriel Ekanem, Associate
- Rachel Houghton, Associate
- Ruth Findlay, Associate Director of Research and Learning
- Sarita Sehgal, Associate Director, Strategy and Development
- Sawsan Youssef, Associate
- Stuart Reid, Senior Advisor
- Sue Alder, Associate
- Tara Shyam, Associate
- Thom Sprenger, Senior Advisor
- Tim Bishop, Associate
- Veronica Scheubel, Associate
- Tom Harrison, Programme Director
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- Checklist: Partnering Agreements for Inclusive Business
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- Melissa Porteous, Training and Programme Manager
- Mining as a transformational partner in development
- Mobilising collaborative action against COVID-19
- Neil Davy, Senior Advisor
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- Partnering for our Common Future: Optimising mining’s partnering capability to contribute to community resilience and thriving societies
- Partnering for Philanthropic Impact
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- Partnership Value Framework
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- Changing Trends in Business-NGO Partnerships – A Netherlands Perspective
- Changing Trends in Business-NGO Relationships in India
- Conflicting Cultures : Lessons from a UN Business Partnership
- Microsoft’s Partnership Centric Culture
- Partner of Choice: World Vision’s journey to becoming institutionally Fit for Partnering
- Rio Tinto: Tackling the cross-sector partnership challenge
- Seeing is Believing: In the Bank’s Best Interest
- Vodafone Foundation case study: Collaboration
- Partnering for Philanthropic Impact Report
- Research and Policy Papers
- Partnership Platforms for the Sustainable Development Goals
- An ‘all-of-society’ approach involving business in tackling the rise in NCDs
- An introduction to multi-stakeholder partnerships
- Better Partnerships through Better Agreements
- Cafe Conversations
- Collaboration for the SDGs: Exploring the support system for Effective Partnering
- Collaboration in a changing world: Trends in cross-sector partnering for INGOs 2020
- Collaboration is the ‘new normal’
- Current practice in the evaluation of cross-sector partnerships for sustainable development
- Delivering on the Promise
- Emerging opportunities for NGO-business partnerships
- Facing the Facts: a survey of partnership practitioners
- Multi Stakeholder Platforms as System Change Agents
- Partnering for Impact
- Partnering Step by Step
- Partnership Matters Journal
- Platforms for Partnership
- Unleashing the Power of Business
- School Partnerships for Impact Guide
- Toolbook Series
- Case Studies
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- Research and Learning – Old
- Research on Business – NGO Collaboration
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- Stakeholder mapping
- The Benefits and Risks of Partnering
- The Partnering Agreement Checklist
- The Partnering Agreement Scorecard
- The Partnering Cycle and Partnering Principles
- The Partnering for Inclusive Business Checklist
- The Partnering Journey
- The Partnership Health Check
- The Rapid Partnering for Climate Action Programme
- The Relationship Spectrum
- Tools: partnering for inclusive business
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- TPI Partnering Tools
- TPI Tools
- TPI Webinar Series: Accelerating Partnerships for the SDGs
- Training and Services
- When to Partner
- World Vision Support Services
- The Partnering Toolbook
- admin (33)
- Darian Stibbe (20)
- Julia Gilbert (107)
- Thuy Nguyen (41)
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Recent Posts:
- From rhetoric to reality: practicing partnership in philanthropy
- Report launch: impact and potential for partnering in education examined
- Partnering initiatives in Bulgaria: applying the TPI framework of philanthropic partnering approaches
- How can funders ensure that partnership is the norm in efforts to drive systems change?
- Watch this space: observing the watch and jewellery industry begin a journey of transformation
- Want to be a true climate catalyst funder? Practice brave, speedy and flexible grant-making
- Climbing the partnership mountain
- Trusted partnership: pushing the boundaries of traditional grant-making and trust-based philanthropy
- Pieces of a puzzle: Further Steps on a Journey
- What I learned from philanthropy immersion at Philea Forum 2022
- TPI @ United Nations ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2022
- From COVID-19 to climate change: How can we turbo-charge collaboration?
- Staying close from a distance: how partnerships stay engaged with local communities during challenging times like COVID-19
- TPI is looking for a new Trustee
- Partnering for our Common Future: Optimising mining’s partnering capability to contribute to community resilience and thriving societies
- VNR-Lab 9: SDG advisory bodies and their role in national sustainable development policy cycles
- SDG Partnership Accelerator Webinar: Small Islands, Genuine Partnerships
- TPI at the WHO Pacific Region Partners’ Forum
- New Guidance Paper: Multi Stakeholder Platforms as System Change Agents
- Maximising business engagement in the SDGs with the Business and Industry Major Group
- Women in Alliances 2021 Summit – Launching Alliance Professionals
- Registration is now open for TPI’s new facilitated online training course: Effective Partnering for Sustainable Development
- P4G 2021 Call for Partnerships now open!
- TPI joins the Transformation Leaders Network
- SDG Partnership Accelerator Webinar 3
- How can we accelerate multi-stakeholder partnering to tackle waves of urgent threats?
- TPI supports the UN & Australia Sustainable Partnerships Forum
- SDG Partnership Accelerator Webinar: Partnership Platforms – national mechanisms for advancing SDG implementation
- SDG Partnership Accelerator Webinar: Is your organization equipped to partner effectively for the SDGs?
- Your Lawyer’s Problem with Your Partnering Agreement
- COVID-19: Seven lessons we have learnt about the present and future of partnering
- Advancing partnerships to support the SDGs in the Maldives
- Combining my strength in research with my passion for hands on delivery
- Partnerships to deliver system transformation
- The Building Forward Better Framework for closer collaboration with the mining sector has launched!
- Four top tips for simple, fast and effective partnering
- Building back better through partnerships
- The Partnership Journey of Foundations and Grantee Partners for Shared Leadership, Ownership and Greater Impact
- The First Edition of the SDG Partnership Guidebook is now available
- TPI joins the Voluntary National Review Lab on partnerships as part of the 2020 HLPF
- TPI moderates HLPF event: Developing transformational partnerships to catalyze SDG implementation
- Collaboration in a changing world: Launch event for new report on trends in cross-sector partnering for INGOs
- TPI moderates event on COVID-19 and partnerships during UN High-Level Political Forum
- The Partnering Initiative @ HLPF 2020
- Partnering for Philanthropic Impact: A Virtual Learning and Networking Event
- Multi-stakeholder partnering and disabilities: bringing everyone’s voice to the table
- The unique opportunity for foundations to be strong active partners now, and in the future
- REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: 5 week Partnering EssentialsTM – Online Course
- From crisis collaboration to long-term partnering
- How Can Partnerships Create Rapid Innovation During COVID-19 Crisis?
- LEARNING FROM STARLINGS: How and why we collaborate more efficiently during crisis
- The SDG Partnership Accelerator Guidebook – PRE-RELEASE
- Partnering at speed against COVID-19
- Fighting side-by-side against COVID-19
- Kenya, a pioneer in partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals
- Applications open for P4G 2020!
- Solving the partnership puzzle
- Designing and managing SDG partnerships for greatest impact
- Partnership Zone at Business Fights Poverty Oxford 2019
- 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator – ECOSOC Partnership Forum 11th April
- The Power of Collaboration: Realizing the Potential of the Impact Economy Through Effective Partnerships
- More than the sum of its parts: understanding and maximising value in partnerships
- Webinar: More than the sum of its parts: Maximising partnership value creation
- Fit for Partnering webinar
- Partnerships: all talk and no action?
- 5 ways to make your organization a great sustainability partner
- Building a new infrastructure for the SDGs
- Business Fights Poverty NYC 2018: Rethinking collaboration for the SDGs
- UN Partnership Exchange 2018
- Partnerships and innovation at Business Fights Poverty annual conference
- The Partnership Zone at BFP 2018
- A call for innovative partnerships!
- Building the collaborative world we need to deliver the SDGs
- 2017: TPI’s year in review
- In praise of internal politicians
- Don’t worry, they won’t bite
- The Global Goals, Systems Thinking, and Innovative Partnerships
- Public Private Engagement in the GPEDC – Fit for Partnering?
- Exclusive UN staff session: Unleashing the power of business as your partner in development
- Development partnerships: A broader perspective
- Partnering less to achieve more
- A watershed moment for multi-stakeholder partnerships in Kosovo?
- Gearing up for Global Partnerships Week
- The Chemistry Between Us: Partnerships and the Power of Relationships
- Better Together: Partnering to tackle NCDs – new guidebook & webinar recording
- Better Together – Unleashing the Power of the Private Sector to Tackle NCDs
- TPI is looking for a new senior team member
- New TPI checklist: the ‘go/no-go’ decision for an inclusive business partnership
- Building Effective Partnerships for Development – in D.C. this March
- Accelerating partnerships for the SDGs: TPI’s 2016 in review
- Driving private sector engagement for the SDGs: TPI and the GPEDC
- Partnering against NCDs: A webinar with UICC, Bupa, Pfizer and the Kenya Cancer Association 6/2/17
- GPEDC HLM2 Side event: in-country platforms to catalyse collaboration for Agenda 2030
- Signs of integration? The Business Forum at the GPEDC Second High Level Meeting
- The challenge of constituency working in global health partnerships
- GPEDC HLM 2 Business Forum 29 Nov: Business as a partner in Development
- GPEDC HLM2 side event 30 Nov: Delivering on the promise
- TPI’s Global Partnership Initiatives: Unleashing the power of business for the SDGs
- Unleashing the power of the private sector to tackle non-communicable diseases
- To partner or not to partner?